
Ron Paul!

MJBrutus4/15/2009 7:25:32 pm PDT

re: #659 Max Darkside

I think what we are seeing is as the country further ideologically splits, magnetic-like polarity repels people to the poles (extremes) into two statistical belief distributions and what was solid left becomes centrist to those in one distribution and solid-right becomes centrist to others. The guy truly in the middle is left standing there going “Hey! What the heck!”.

What worries me the most, is that I think the center really has shifted to the left. I think that people in this country really do want more government. I think that more and more people really do want “free” education (including college) and health care and day care and a guaranteed comfortable retirement and on and on. I think that people have become naive about the dangers that countries like Iran or terrorists pose to us. I think that people really do feel that China and Russia have our best interests at heart and that peace can come from negotiating with despots. I think that it has been too long since we have faced an existential challenge and people are unwilling to believe that it could happen.