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doubter44448/25/2009 8:33:39 pm PDT

re: #688 gymnast

Oh, he is much more than that, eventually you will learn that he is much more than just a “Liberal Democrat”.

Again, the drama, for god’s sake.
Obama is not the death of the US.
I don’t get all the “patriots” that have so little trust that the United States of America is so fragile that it can be irrevocably harmed by one man, POTUS or not.
Grow up, and grow a set.
Cryptic, silly posts are pretty pathetic.
Obama is pretty much what he said he was, a Democrat.
He wants different things that most here do.
He’s not endangering the constitution, or ushering in a commie/fascist/Marxist/whatever dictatorship.
To Cyberhawk and the others who seem to think that because they don’t like what’s going on they have the right to change things for everyone, I say that it is, to me, a personal affront.

This country is stronger than any one man, and still some ass-wipes think they need to rectify the situation for the rest of us.
You know what? Fuck you.
I’m not trading a legally elected president for someone you and your ilk think should run the place.
You and your type want to change things?
Get elected.
America, love it or leave it.
It’s not a slogan just for the dirty hippies. You need a long look in the mirror.