
Jindal-Endorsed Creationist Loses in Louisiana

Sunlight4/05/2009 3:59:17 pm PDT

re: #42 Charles

The Republican party has an enormous problem with these fundamentalist fanatics, and it looks like voters are starting to make them pay for it.

It’s actually difficult to find a GOP politician who is NOT a creationist.

Bingo. I think I’ve pointed out before that my mother, a lifelong Dem Episcopalian, was convinced at her death that her daughter (me!) and my family are going to hell for being Jewish (I converted) and had very little to do with us. I didn’t know why until after her death. She had left the church for some years and went back, where they had some program that taught her final beliefs. I was stunned. I don’t understand what is going on in churches in this country now. Not what I grew up in.