
Ahmadinejad Mocks Obama's 'Change' Slogan

mfarmer16/27/2009 10:34:08 am PDT

You have to wonder if Obama is truly perplexed by this due to absolute ignorance and naivete, or if he knew he was just saying what needed to be said to get elected and to satisfy the lunatic left.

He’s not the first to be made to look foolish by these 7th century thugs. Carter was humiliated and Reagan started out strong but then had that infamous cake and Bible blunder.

What Obama has done here is worse however. There was (and maybe still is) a chance to help rid Iran of it’s theocratic nightmare experiment, and he refuses to do anything. His thus far feeble attempts are not genuine but have been forced upon him making him look even weaker and more naive than even his detractors during the campaign could have imagined.