
Tea Party Leader Supported Racist Image of Obama

Summer Seale9/13/2009 12:11:15 pm PDT

BTW, again: I understand that it’s totally offensive. I don’t think Diego was endorsing it (duh). I think he was trying to make a point that many at the rallies probably do endorse that, and was wondering how open that might be at some point.

At least that’s the way I understood it.

And yes, it’s a fair question. Now, is it something which could be seriously misconstrued by others? Obviously the reaction here proves it is. But that wasn’t the point of the comment (I think). I’m simply defending his right to wonder at the mentality (open or otherwise) of many at these rallies. From what I’ve seen so far, I think he is right to wonder.

BTW, in a sense it’s not very different from the signs that some Protest Warriors held up during the Iraq War, seeing if there were any closet Anti-Semites in the crowds on the left. I remember that well, and it was a damned good “experiment” to out a lot of Anti-Semites. They had a case: many there were Anti-Semitic and they wanted to show it. Many also were idiots about history, and they wanted to show that too.

Though they did phrase things a touch differently. =)