
Hoffman Vows to Continue Storming the Castle

CyanSnowHawk11/04/2009 11:10:31 am PST

re: #51 LudwigVanQuixote

Uhh perhaps we are reading different news items, but it looked to me like the right wing nuts split the GOP base such that the GOP candidate withdrew, and then the right got creamed.

If being forced out of the race is a victory for the moderate GOP and or a blow to the pretty clear evidence that the wingnuts have a death grip on the GOP, I fail to see it.

Look beyond the one House race (D-23) and include the two Governor races that the moderate GOP candidates won with serious independent support. D-23 was a disaster that can be laid solely at the feet of the SoCons, and NJ and VA are an example of the wins that will happen with the “RINOs” that the SoCons are trying to exclude.