
Breaking: Shooting Attack at Las Vegas Federal Building

simoom1/04/2010 11:35:24 am PST

An interesting catch over at John Cole’s blog. The New York Times magazine put up a nine page article on how Obama has been prosecuting the war on terrorism (with a focus on John Brennan), including the events surrounding the attempted Christmas day bombing. That post on Cole’s blog zeroed in on this paragraph:

A half-dozen former senior Bush officials involved in counterterrorism told me before the Christmas Day incident that for the most part, they were comfortable with Obama’s policies, although they were reluctant to say so on the record. Some worried they would draw the ire of Cheney’s circle if they did, while others calculated that calling attention to the similarities to Bush would only make it harder for Obama to stay the course. And they generally resent Obama’s anti-Bush rhetoric and are unwilling to give him political cover by defending him

I’ve just started reading through the NYT piece, but in a quick initial scan I noticed this from Brennan:

“A lot of the knuckleheads I’ve been listening to out there on the network shows don’t know what they’re talking about,” he told me after the Christmas Day attempt. Some Republicans, including Cheney, were blatantly mischaracterizing the record, he fumed. “When they say the administration’s not at war with Al Qaeda, that is just complete hogwash.” It was the angriest I had heard him during months of conversations. “What they’re doing is just playing into Al Qaeda’s strategic effort, which is to get us to battle among ourselves instead of focusing on them,” he said.