
SPLC: Rage on the Right

Cato the Elder3/05/2010 10:59:22 am PST

re: #66 LudwigVanQuixote

Seriously now.

The answer to that is in all the endless fear mongering about him being black and delegitimatizing him as not a real American.

Right? The big scary black man is coming to destroy your hold on America.

The racists assume that no “real” American president could possibly be black. So therefore the “real” America must be lost.

It really is that simple alas.

The demographic shift in America is as real as AGW, and far, far scarier to people who see their old automatic WASP privileges threatened.

“Wah! I don’t want to press ‘2’ for Spanish!”

Well then, don’t, you monolingual moron.