
Rachel Maddow and Jon Stewart

Killgore Trout11/11/2010 9:54:21 pm PST

re: #46 sizzleRI

I have so many thoughts on this. As an introduction, I discovered this blog by a link in the comments at a very liberal blog about a year ago. Just thought I’d look around. It was so interesting to me to finally discover conservatives who felt the way about FOX that I felt about Moore or Olbermann.

Actually my lesson came earlier. When I went to my first, and last, anti war rally in 2005. Hated the war (it is my generation serving), but wow!!! the people there. I am not them!

I think you’ll find some kindred spirits here. We have a lot of conservatives who feel the same way about the Tea Parties as you do about the antiwar protests. You may not agree with them but I think you’ll find some common ground.