
Gun Nut Statement of the Day: If Slaves Had Guns They Wouldn't Have Been Slaves

lawhawk1/11/2013 6:19:22 pm PST

So, which are we supposed to believe - that guns are the solution or the problem.

Within the past 24 hours, we get prime examples of both.

A gun advocate who’s got an arsenal and has posted countless videos about firearms is himself shot dead by a firearm. All those guns he owns? Didn’t do him a damned bit of good.

Then, you’ve got an instance where a woman apparently protected her family from an intruder with a handgun. She unloaded all six rounds, and the gunman was injured but fled. Proponents note that if the intruder had an accomplice the woman would have been in trouble.

And yet, the numbers are what they are. The murder rates are what they are. They are higher in states where there are more lax gun control laws than those that have tighter restrictions.