
Overnight Open Thread

realwest8/31/2009 7:29:53 am PDT

re: #635 opnion
Well you know, I was skeptical about Obama’s love for America before he got elected. But, once again, Americans peacefully handed over the reins of power at the 4 or 8 year timetable. So I thought I had been wrong about him and the First Lady.
But after his world apology tour, it became apparent to me that President Obama really DOESN’T GET WHAT AMERICA IS ALL ABOUT. He. Just. Doesn’t. Get. It.
And that sorta belief that America is more responsible for most of the world’s ills, rather than the cure for many if not most of the world’s ills, is being show again by his true disdain for middle class, ordinary Americans. He won’t raise taxes on the Middle Class (he says) but he will allow the Bush Middle Class Tax Cuts to expire, with the resulting same effect.
He is a very slick, polished political persona - as I’ve described him, the political version of a Chicago Street Corner three card monte dealer - the ends ALWAYS justify the means and never more so than if it winds up inflicting more damage on Americans. If he wasn’t hurting the Country I love SO MUCH, I’d could say Obama and Franken (or Pelosi, Reid, Murtha, Rangel, et. al.) PERFECT TOGETHER.