
Sunset Palm

Guanxi882/05/2010 10:08:38 am PST

re: #688 LudwigVanQuixote

I always bring the science with them because that is what differentiates the real truth from blowhard nonsense. I also bring it, because it is not for their sakes. They have proven again and again tehy will not look and they will not read and they will not think about it honestly. I do it so that a thrid party sees the moron called a moron by the scientist and proven a moron by the data and I bring out their is no equivalence in the views.

So you kick the dog to warn the cat?

You’d be better served by pointing out that the solutions and suggestions proposed would make money, serve the national interest, expand the scope of individual liberty, and would, as a bonus, and as a side-effect not even contemplated or intended, also be green and make the earth a bit cleaner than it might otherwise be.