
Overnight Open Thread

J.D.4/05/2009 7:38:12 am PDT
GINGRICH: I think we should be very worried. My good friend and co-author Bill Fortune just wrote a book called “One Second After,” which is a novel about what happens with an electromagnetic pulse attack.

There’s no question that the newest kind of nuclear weapons — three of them at the right altitude — could eliminate all electricity production in the United States, which includes your car.

It would mean that basically we would go back to a preindustrial era overnight, in seconds. It’s a very serious threat.

I don’t think North Korea should be allowed to launch missiles. I think we should take whatever preemptive actions are necessary.

The idea that we’re going to suddenly be shocked one morning as one of these missiles has a nuclear weapon and does something that dramatically changes America I think is a very dangerous idea.

And I find it very difficult to watch the U.S. government be passive as the North Korean dictatorship continues to develop its capacity to deliver nuclear weapons.

Gingrich Interview
Worth reading the whole thing if you missed seeing it.