
Why It Matters that Apple is the Number 1 Smart Phone Manufacturer

Buck7/28/2011 12:52:04 pm PDT

re: #2 MichaelJ

OK, so I was using your numbers. I don’t know when you have the quote from Steve Jobs saying 1%. Doesn’t really matter. Was the entire $700 phone market under estimated…. for sure it was.

I did not miss your point. I am trying to say that according to the trend, APPLE won’t be the #1 smartphone HARDWARE manufacturer for very much longer.

According to your graphic, HTC is already 20% to Apples 28% If Androids popularity continues to grow, then it will take away from the growth in Apple smartphone hardware sales. If Windows mobile succeeds at all it will also eat away at Apples growth.

At one time, I am sure APPLE sold a greater number of personal computers than any other single manufacture. We know how that turned out.