
Sanders on Trump: "He Discovered Women Go to the Bathroom, and It's Been Very Upsetting to Him"

Eclectic Cyborg12/23/2015 11:12:19 am PST

GQā€™s worst people of 2015

1. Kim Davis
2. Cameron Crowe
3. David Cameron
4. Sepp Blatter
5. Hillary Clinton
6. Terrence Howard
7. Bill Cosby
8. Jared Fogle
9. MacArthur High School officials, Irving Texas
10. Jeb Bush
11. Robert Griffin III
12. Fantastic Four
13. Scott Walker
14. Neil Patrick Harris
15. Roger Goodell

Full list here

And this is what they had to say about Hillary:

Remember Cool Hillary Clinton, back when she was checking her phone with her sunglasses on like a BAWSE and getting drunk with foreign dignitaries on Instagram and shit? Yeah, that Hillary Clinton is gone, kids. Hopelessly corrupt pander-bot 2008 Hillary is back! And remarkably, she seems to believeā€”yet againā€”that her lengthy history of cynical, bought-and-paid-for leadership somehow entitles her to the presidency, as if her entire campaign strategy is ā€œI didnā€™t betray my principles and sell out every last one of my constituents NOT to be president, you guys!ā€ I hope she keeps that Gmail account open. Sheā€™s gonna need it after blowing this election.