
He Was One of a Kind - Tom Petty Dies at 66

Blind Frog Belly White10/02/2017 2:17:42 pm PDT

re: #54 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

If you bought them literally at the same time, perhaps. I could, however, see an argument to be made for several sporting-type weapons to be purchased within a short window of time (for example, an upcoming hunting season opening, such as will be the case with deer here before too long). Note, however, my use of the phrase “sporting-type weapons”. I have no problems with someone buying a couple of shotguns in early November. I do, however, have a problem with someone stockpiling semi-automatic rifles and handguns, and ammunition to match, in the middle of the fucking desert.

As a guy with a collection of over 200 vintage watches, I can actually understand buying a large number of similar-but-not-identical items, including guns, if you’re a collector. And, you know, guns are fun. Shooting sports are fun. A well made gun is a nice little piece of machinery.

But, you know, too many ‘law abiding gun owners’ kill too many people for us to still think in these terms. This guy, who killed more Americans in a hour than died on any day of the Iraq War, was a law abiding gun owner, right up until he wasn’t. So I really cannot give a good goddam if you think that your ‘right’ to collect firearms overrides MY right not to get shot by them.

At some point, we have to do something. Don’t we?