
Iran Goes Offline

Birth Control Works12/28/2009 11:30:16 am PST

re: #65 SanFranciscoZionist

Afghanistan: evidence that a well-armed society can be just as thoroughly screwed up, albeit in a different way, than a disarmed society. ALthough I understand they are awfully polite, when not shooting you.

Actually, most of the Middle East falls into that category. Yemen actually outdoes the U.S. for private gun ownership, IIRC, but they still have a shitty and abusive government.

I think it’s the perception of the purpose of legal gun ownership. Self-defense, and property defense is technically where the US citizen’s right start and end. We’ve also had over 200 years of this mindset—and a different history than the Yemen people.

Scholarly books have been written on the subject (i’ve actually read some of them —eeek!). You are right, it would take a LONG winter’s night to hash it all out.