
Romney Parrots False Claim That Obama Is Trying to Restrict Military Voting

The GOP is a Terrorist Organization8/05/2012 1:11:00 pm PDT

re: #8 Shiplord Kirel

The brakes are off, the track is out, and engineer Romney has opened the throttle all the way. Barring $10 a gallon or some other catastrophe, the GOP is headed for a beat-down of Biblical dimensions.

If only.

The GOP became unhinged in 1964 and paid dearly for it (though some suggested it was a trial run for Reagan in 1980, but the country just wasn’t ready for it, but I digress). I would argue that the GOP is even more unhinged than they were in ‘64, yet they won 63 seats in the House in 2010, almost took the Senate, and Romney has been within striking distance from the outset this time around.

I do believe Obama will win in November (barring the usual catastrophes that people mention), and it will probably be by a comfortable margin in the electoral college, yet fairly narrow in the popular vote. Losing to a black man for a second time will be a biblical disaster for the teabaggers and dittoheads who run the Republican Party now, but I don’t see a GOP disaster happening (an Obama landslide)…even if Romney were to do something like go full birther (“I’ll show you my tax returns when you show the country your real birth certificate”).