
Overnight Open Thread

yma o hyd4/05/2009 7:41:19 am PDT

re: #687 realwest

Hi {yma} I hope you’re doing well today! From your link:

Of course the problem is that the Nork’s could have learned a lot by the failure too. I wonder exactly what Obama and the other nations (other than China and Russia) think that more “extreme sanctions” will do? I mean Lil Kim has shown, over and over and over again that he doesn’t give a DAMN about how his own people get by (or simply die from starvation) or what the World thinks of North Korea (except possibly China which is, realistically the only ally North Korea could really count on in a conventional warfare situation)? History has shown repeatedly that Sanctions just don’t work with a despotic regime. So what the hell does the World (or the UN) do now? From what little information I could glean from the “news” the people in North Korea have been suffering just as badly as any other people on earth and the UN has done bupkis for Sudan, Dar fur, etc. etc.
When the hell is the World gonna wake up and actually, you know, DO SOMETHING?

Hiya, {rw} - we’re fine, today, me sneezing me head off! Hayfever …

I think Russia and China could well have prevented this - they didn’t, for obvious reasons: testing Obowma.
Trouble is - Obowma won’t do a thing, he doesn’t know what to do, nor does anybody at the State Dept.
Following the Law of unintended consequences - Ayatollah Ghilmeinri hinted at that above - this may well induce Japan to start scaling up their military and their armaments. Being the Hi-tech nation they are, this is not good for the region at all.
I can see Japan becoming isolated, just as Israel is already - as for South Korea, the same applies: they can see for themselves that Obowma isn’t going to deliver the protection they need.

Thats now two trouble spots hotting up - the Middle East and the far East, and in both cases Putin has his fingers in the mix …