
Overnight Open Thread

realwest6/24/2009 7:46:18 am PDT

re: #593 turn
Heck turn, don’t have to e-mail you: Obamacare is arguably the most significant and expensive of Obama’s domestic agenda. He is being, at the least, disingenuous about it all (yesterday he said “what do they mean, government healthcare will drive private insurance companies out of business? Government healthcare will have to compete with them!” - thus,of course, overlooking the fact that the US Treasury is in fact providing the capital for Obamacare, the US Govenerment it’s employees, etc. etc.) and in reality, Medicare is SO FUCKED UP that it now cost both Mom and Me MORE THAN PRIVATE INSURANCE WOULD even if on COBRA!
Of all the important items on his domestic agenda, the one which most deserves a truly fair and complete debate is Healthcare.
And ABC has enabled Obama to avoid that in full.