
The Audreys: Sometimes the Stars

garhighway3/14/2011 10:43:50 am PDT

re: #700 Conservative Moonbat

I gained 100 pounds on one med. Another causes male lactation. Thankfully I didn’t get that. You have to judge the side effects relative to the positive effects. If a drug makes you grow a third arm but is the only thing that gives you your humanity back, it can be worth it.

Chemo drugs have some nasty side effects too but you don’t hear near as many people bitching about those side effects as you do people complaining about psych med side effects. Most chemo patients just take it in stride as part of what’s required to live to see another day. Such is the case with psych meds as well. You’ve just got to compare the benefits to the side effects.

Compared to a lot of other stuff, SSRIs are some of the mildest medications in the psychophacutical pharmacopia.

I’ve been in situations where a third arm would come in handy. Male lactation, not so much.