
A Response to Stephen Green (With Link)

HelloDare9/12/2009 4:14:00 pm PDT

Gah! Here is the latest from Stephen Green of Vodkapundit responding to a poster.

20. Pianobuff:

Mr. Green, I urge you to take a look at the content Charles has posted at LGF in response to your posting and entertain the possibility that there may be some substance to his point. If in the end you are not persuaded that’s your prerogative, but given that you felt this important enough to cover in a posting, it’s probably worth giving equal time to investigate the credibility of Charles’s claims. That would be the reasonable course of action of a critical thinker, wouldn’t it?
Sep 12, 2009 - 4:49 pm

23. Stephen Green:

Piano –

This will be my last word on this, for two reasons: 1) I have family coming over in a few; and 2) there’s not much else to say.

Having talked to Stacy about just this, I’d describe him as a proud Southern partisan — but no racist. From what I’ve read about CJ (but not from him because, as I’ve said, I don’t read LGF), he might have a bigotry of his own against people of faith. But not having read first hand, or talked to CJ, I couldn’t — and wouldn’t — say.

As a small-l libertarian, I have to take my political allies (very few) where I can (most -desperately!- anywhere). I think CJ performs a valuable service at LGF exposing jihadists, and that, whatever other faults he might have, RSM truly believes in small government. I can also say from firsthand experience that both men are fun to drink with.

Although from what I’ve seen today, I don’t think I would want to drink with them both at the same time.
Sep 12, 2009 - 4:56 pm