
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

Salamantis2/21/2009 5:19:44 pm PST

re: #709 TradeBait

I kind of like to see Jeb Bush run in 2012. After the four-year disaster we’re currently embarking on, I think a lot of people will be reassessing their negative opinion of Dubya.

I lived under two terms of Jeb in Florida. He’s much more socon than Dubya. But the judiciary blocked a lot of his social agenda. For instance, he signed the infamous ‘Terri’s Law” that poured gasoline on the Schiavo case by allowing him to order Terri Schiavo kept on life support against her husband’s will. After it was overturned by the Florida Supreme Court, He appealed their decision to the US Supreme court, which refused to hear it, and allowed the Florida Supreme Court’s decision to stand.