
Collapse of a Texas Quote Mine

Tigger20052/05/2009 4:14:01 am PST
Oh, you mean like the established scientific fact of global warming?

Evolution and AGW are really not comparable. Evolution has been around for 150 years. If it really had serious flaws and weaknesses, they would have been revealed by now. If there was any evidence to falsify it, it would have been discovered by now. Instead, it has just gotten stronger over the decades as more and more evidence has been found to support it.

AGW hasn’t been around that long and already hundreds of prominent scientists are questioning it and the data used to support it. There is no remotely comparable movement in the scientific community to question the basic fact of evolution. Scientists have already done that, and the vast majority of them no longer have any doubts that evolution is a fact. There are no “weaknesses” in the theory in the sense that it’s a house of cards waiting to collapse. There are lots of things still to learn about evolution and how it works, and we should certainly teach kids to have inquiring minds about it … but that doesn’t mean presenting like any bright kid with a shovel, pick, and microscope is going to discover evolution’s fatal flaw.