
Poll: Large Majority Approve of Obama's SOTU Proposals

Killgore Trout1/28/2010 12:07:43 pm PST

Wingnuts upstage Chris Mathews for blatant racism…..
The Lesson of an Affirmative Action President (via Crazy Pam)

By James Lewis

Obama was elected to universal Hosannas because he is black. It wasn’t a secret. That’s why the Left around the world went into ecstasies when Obama ran and got elected.

Hillary Clinton was going to dictate racial and gender preferences for medical school admissions under HillaryCare. You can bet that reverse-racism is all over the 2,200 pages of ObamaCare. It’s reverse-racism forever!

Today it’s not just blacks — it’s women, homosexuals, and illegal aliens.
Nobody can point to Obama’s anti-terrorist policies and say that’s wildly incompetent — without fearing they will be accused of racism.

From a temporary policy to give black people a better chance in life, we have now arrived at a Marxist goal of universal equality for everyone — except for white, male, heterosexual, and excessively normal people (Blacks aren’t “normal”?-ed).
American blacks today are more bitter and more racially enraged than ever before, after forty years of affirmative action. Affirmative action hasn’t helped women, who now have to work two jobs, one at home and one for income, especially because so many men have walked away from their families under liberal cultural values.
…..Obama will be around for the next forty years blaming White America for his own folly.

It doesn’t get much more blatant that this.