
Jon Stewart: Petty Woman

Buck1/19/2011 11:19:41 am PST

It is my opinion that this has nothing to do with chastity, celibacy, abstinence or sexual expression at all.

It is about the purposely harming of children in order to fulfill their (the perverts) own needs. They can justify it in many ways but simple sex this isn’t.

There are pedophiles who are married, with children, and sexually active.

I would like the Pope to look at the list of mortal sins. He can either simply add the harming of children, or if he has to cut something in oder to make this change, he can cut Gluttony. Not reporting this crime against a child would be doing harm to that child, and would also be a mortal sin.

No one can tell me this can’t be done. He’s the freaking Pope, he can do it if he wants.

I am not saying that this would eliminate the problem. But many of these offenders are more worried about their souls than the child’s well being.