
Overnight Open Thread

Interesting Times5/22/2012 6:33:38 am PDT

re: #71 William Barnett-Lewis

Oh good, you’re back - I wanted to tell you about this! (though you probably know already):

Want to win the WI Recall? Make sure this story goes as wide as humanly possible

Fortunately Scott Walker has just handed us just such a wedge on a sliver platter in his appointment of Dr. James Kroll as the State’s “deer Czar”. You see Dr. Kroll considers allowing hunters to hunt for free on state-managed game lands, “the last bastion of communism” and want to do away with it altogether.

There are a lot of lower-middle and lower income people, especially in rural areas for whom successfully “shooting for the table”, or freezer can make all the difference in their family’s food security for that winter, or even over the whole year. The 50-75 lbs of usable meet that a good-sized deer will yield goes a very long way to making up for the protein deficit many of these hunter’s families might otherwise face.

Therefore anything that threatens that tradition or looks like it might take it away entirely, is likely to put them “up in arms”, almost literally.