
Fox Poll: Rick Perry's Taking Off

Gus9/02/2011 9:48:30 am PDT

This is the big news with environmentalists today:

Obama Smog Decision Will Leave In Place ‘Legally Indefensible’ Environmental Standard

President Obama pulled the plug Friday on a long-delayed environmental regulation that would have further limited industrial smog emissions, leaving in place an ozone standard that EPA administrator Lisa Jackson recently described as “legally indefensible.”

The proposed limits have been under assault by congressional Republicans and the business community for months. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) recently called it “possibly the most harmful of all the currently anticipated Obama Administration regulations.”

Obama’s decision comes the same day new employment figures show the economy created zero net jobs in August.

What was the regulation, and what does it mean now that it’s been scotched? In short, it means Bush-era smog standards, declared inadequate by government science advisers, will likely remain in effect until mid-decade if not longer.


So. According to Republicans this will lead to job creation no?