
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton7/12/2009 8:13:04 am PDT

re: #715 J.S.

(I think these types of arguments have been covered previously.) First, I don’t believe it was “proper”, let alone “correct”, for Nancy Pelosi to run off to Syria and show up at Dear Dictator’s place of residence, let alone be attired in a hijab. Second, there is, in the United States (as is true in other countries) an entire “Office of Protocol” which handles the procedures for state visits/functionaries, etc., what should or should not be done when meeting with individual X, etc., etc. Thus, there’s the “no touchy the Queen of England”, etc. There’s also (was?) is the protocol that U.S. Presidents (since the time of Jefferson) do not bow to potentates. Third, speaking of “protocol”, there’s been a huge furor up here in Canada about Prime Ministers and “pocketing” the “host”…(I’d just as soon not bother with this)…But, yes, there are stated protocols, which (ideally) should be adhered to (imo).

So, then, you would say it’s not proper for Michelle to cover her head and arms when having an audience with the Pope?