
Obama Tries to Sell the Spendulus

Walter L. Newton2/05/2009 7:34:00 pm PST

re: #668 FrogMarch

Here comes the Fairness Doctrine.

And notice, it is already barreling along, full speed ahead. He said he was going to do all this and no one is going to stop him. He will posture and fawn for the camera’s, making it appear that he is in trouble, and then he becomes victorious.

That’s what happened this evening. He didn’t need to make that appeal to the public, since Washington is not listening to us anyway. So why the show. Because it makes it look like he out their fighting.

And then, tomorrow, it passes. And Obama wipes his brow and thanks all Americans for supporting him (gee, how many phone calls in support of the bill did they get tonight).

In reality, NOTHING HAPPENED. It was all a show, a public display of your Chairman in action. This is no difference than the public displays that any Marxist mounts, the flag waving, the speeches, the feeling that WE ALL ARE PART OF IT.

Does anyone really think that we had anything to do with the bill passing, or could have had any effect on changing it? Of course not.

Right out of the Marxist playbook. Expect more of these public appearances, these pleas for support, watching our leader battle in the trenches for us.

Long live Big Brother.