
Video: An Amazing Solo Acoustic Guitar Performance by 16-Year Old Marcin Patrzalek: "Asturias" (Isaac Albeniz)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/11/2016 6:55:49 pm PST

re: #715 Donkey With No Name

See, this I don’t understand at all. Of course you have to focus on local issues, but what’s the point of running as a Democrat unless that is to signal an alignment with a set of state and national policy positions? And to be at least mildly interested in the impact they will have in your community?

I do care, but when I am in the village hall as a village trustee, I am acting on local issues. I can and have brought in national issues (like raising the minimum wage, which we did here, well above the state wage).

No place in a village board meeting for a discussion on abortion (the nearest abortion clinic in my state is almost four hundred miles away). No place in those meetings for discussions on immigration policy.

Outside of board meetings, the village does not see me as Democratic Village Trustee. They see me as James, the hippie with the trilby hat in a sea of cowboy hats.