
Something You Don't See Every Day: Seth Meyers Issues "Corrections: Week of Monday, April 12"

No Malarkey!4/16/2021 12:18:23 pm PDT

re: #68 Dangerman

i understand the fear here.
if they take his on everyone’s say-so, they could take mine.
absurd maybe, but way less absurd and more possible than ‘biden is coming for your guns’.

- there should be a mechanism to get the firearms removed from those who might be on the edge

- there should also be a due process mechanism to get them back because whatever standard is used to remove them, could easily be abused by others seeking to cause trouble. like the wrong people on no-fly lists etc.

but here’s the overarching point:

in most of these situations, what is the actual harm in having multiple weapons taken away - even for a time while due process, well…processes?

it can’t be “then i have no way to protect myself”.
because from what? and how with this arsenal?

this is NOT that situation they paint of the scared abused spouse who needs a gun today, not three days from today, for personal protection, so all waiting periods are unfair

Every gun restriction is part of the slippery slope which inevitably leads to the jack booted thugs confiscating all of their guns so that they can’t defend themselves from the globalist one world government tyranny.