
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

iceweasel11/18/2009 5:23:23 pm PST

re: #47 Cannadian Club Akbar

Let them be found not guilty. Let them be free in the streets of NYC.

Let them have justice meted out to them; let them have every dignity and right accorded to them which they denied to their victims; let them be justly convicted under that very system of laws they hoped to subvert; let them be fairly and humanely convicted, with dignity, mere blocks from the scenes of inhumanity and horror they themselves staged—

Let them understand that they cannot take our laws or our values from us—only we can do that to ourselves.

Let them be convicted, and they will know what justice is in a country where people do not storm jails and tear people apart in the streets.

Let them be convicted, and let that conviction, and the place where it will be rendered, be a monument to our justice system, to the essential principles our country was founded on, to truths which are self-evident and eternal.