
Video: Jon Stewart: How I Meteored Your Motherland

Lidane2/20/2013 3:33:11 pm PST

Oh geez. Coultergeist is bleating about the Latino vote. I’d link to it, but it goes to Whirled Nuts Drooly and I don’t want to give them the traffic.

An excerpt of her fail:

If Republicans think we can have mass amnesty for millions of government-dependent immigrants and become a more libertarian country, they’re crazy.

This isn’t because of a failure to “reach out.” Republicans can’t beat Democrats at the government-assistance game. From single mothers to corporate subsidy-takers, they want your money, and the Democrats promise to give it to them.

Instead of trying to compete with the ethnic lobbies, welfare schemes and racialized politics of the Democrats, perhaps Republicans should allow our immigration system to admit more immigrants who won’t immediately go on government assistance, as 60 percent of new immigrants do now.

Putting 12 million to 20 million of them on a “path to citizenship” won’t make them like Republicans; it will make Republicans lose.

Someone remind me again how the GOP’s problem is its messaging, not its message.