
Overnight Open Thread

realwest2/20/2009 7:19:36 am PST

re: #641 rightside
Um, with all due respect to Mr. Steele and to you, while the Republicans were in power, we were fighting two wars, full tilt boogie and had Katrina and Ike to pay for as well.
I’m not saying that the Repub’s are above spending taxpayer money to ensure that they remain in power, but they sure spend a lot less of it than the Dems.
Wait to see what the Budget is for this coming fiscal year - with the Stimulus and TARP plus “normal funding” I’ll wager EVEN MONEY right now, that Obama will outspend George Bush’s last year in office with his first year in office, even though, for all intents and purposes the war in Iraq is over and we’ve had no natural disasters remotely approaching Katrina. And it’s gonn be a LOT MORE in 2011 - unless we recapture the House or Senate.