
Obama at Notre Dame

American Sabra5/17/2009 3:03:02 pm PDT

re: #685 Steffan

I file that under “when good causes happen to bad people.”

Abortion is only one issue supported by Planned Parenthood. They also spend a lot of time and money teaching teens about birth control which includes abstinence, btw, as well as protection against sexually transmitted diseases and absolutely in the inner cities where they don’t otherwise get the education.

SFZionist made the point upthread, but if conservatives say no to contraceptives, no to abortion, no to supporting welfare babies, what choices would you give a woman? Orphanges? Foster homes? Of 510,000 children in foster care in 2006, 289,000 were placed as follows:

53 percent were reunited with parent(s) or primary caregiver(s)
17 percent were adopted
16 percent went to live with a relative or guardian
9 percent were emancipated
4 percent had other outcomes

This isn’t a bad thing at all and it’s actually an improvement over past years, but it still leaves 221,000 unplaced kids.

It’s confusing to me. You don’t want to care for the babies, you don’t want to keep the babies from having babies, what do you want?