
Onion: Radical Social Security Reform Measures Proposed

CuriousLurker7/28/2011 11:48:19 pm PDT

Uh-oh, grab a bucket & a mop ‘cause heads are gonna start ‘splodin:

Whole Foods Celebrates, Monetizes Ramadan

Whole Foods has become the first prominent supermarket chain to run a Ramadan marketing campaign—and they’re hoping Muslim customers will return the favor as they break fast. Even though Muslims traditionally forego meals during the day, lavish evening Ramadan meals could mean big bucks for the natural foods giant … as well as brand loyalty from a demographic not traditionally courted by megastore advertising.


No in-store promotions for the campaign are planned, instead, in an apparent attempt to test the waters, the promotion will start online. The “campaign focuses on reaching Muslim consumers online where they are already having conversations about halal foods, grocery shopping, and preparing for Ramadan,” Saffron Road spokesperson Lisa Mabe tells Fast Company. Saffron Road maintains a heavy social media presence and an ongoing charitable relationship with Whole Foods’ Whole Planet foundation, and hopes the promotion will further strengthen their brand awareness.
