
Sunset Palm

Locker2/05/2010 10:21:17 am PST

re: #728 Sloppy

I wish more posters knew that the plural of “scientist” is “scientists.”

BTW, the reuben was invented in Omaha and good ones are available all over town.

That’s disputed and I’m going to have to go with the inventor who’s name was actually Reuben. Then again I am biased towards NYC over Omaha.. unless we are talking about steak. :-)

One account holds that Reuben Kulakofsky (sometimes spelled Reubin, or the last name shortened to Kay), a grocer from Omaha, Nebraska, was the inventor, perhaps as part of a group effort by members of Kulakofsky’s weekly poker game held in the Blackstone Hotel from around 1920 through 1935. The participants, who nicknamed themselves “the committee,” included the hotel’s owner, Charles Schimmel. The sandwich first gained local fame when Schimmel put it on the Blackstone’s lunch menu.

Other accounts hold that its creator was Arnold Reuben, owner of the once famous but now no longer existing Reuben’s Delicatessen in New York,[2] who, according to an interview with Craig Claiborne, invented the sandwich around 1914.[3] A version of the story is related by Bernard Sobel in his book Broadway Heartbeat: Memoirs of a Press Agent and claims that the sandwich was an extemporaneous creation for Marjorie Rambeau inaugurated when the famed Broadway actress visited the Delicatessen one night when the cupboards were particularly bare.[4]