
Overnight Open Thread

Dianna9/14/2009 9:07:43 am PDT

Good morning!

Before I plunge into actually working, I have a report which should make you folks laugh.

Yesterday, I dropped by Walgreens. Outside, a man was ranting that the government is covering up an impending solar event that will cook half the planet!

I gently smiled and edged past him to get in. On my way out, he was repeating this lunacy to his latest victim, a mid-30’s type with a quizzical expression. In mercy, I pointed out that the book 30 Seconds After merely pointed out electrical transmission problems, not that half the planet was going to cook; and that the government has been lazy about creating backups for transmission towers, which is no big surprise.

I nodded and walked away, while the ranter tried to figure out how to reply.

There is much craziness abroad in the world.