
Overnight Open Thread

Gus6/08/2009 8:34:22 am PDT

re: #721 JCM

5000 less targets is good. Over all I’m with you.

I don’t think a shooting match is an IF, just when. I’d prefer doing on our terms and getting in a massive first lick.

My point is no matter which way it goes it’s gonna’ be messy as all hell.

I just don’t see the Norks folding with a whimper.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are working on the matter. Let’s see looking at the news this morning I find:

US considers interdicting N. Korean shipments: report


US considers returning N.Korea to terror list

So far they’re up to considering interdicting NORK shipments and considering to put the NORKS back on the terrorist list. This doesn’t include any outstanding Blue Helmet Security Council Resolutions.

That’ll show ‘em!

Talk about taking a weak stance.