
Cordoba House Developers: 'Hamas Does Not and Will Not Speak For Us'

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]8/16/2010 7:39:04 pm PDT

re: #718

I did.
I still like Cato’s.
I like to read the discussions, not the accusations that someone is engaging in whatever. If someone is engaging in whatever, well, make your best factual, logical argument and see where it takes you!

I always feel like the accusations (“TU Quoque!) are what derail the discussions, and really, for me anyhow, don’t add much of value. I just skip over those. I’d rather see what someone thinks, what opinion is, what information they can bring to inform a person about what they said, than an accusation about how they said it.

Just my .02

Tu Quoque is a real thing, and Charles has said it many times. It’s not like us liberal bastard upstarts coming out of nowhere observing fallacies. It’s said a lot because it’s used a lot here. There’s a lot of people here who are very cynical and not intellectually honest with some of their arguments, and I’m going to continue to point it out when I see it. I like logic and intellectual honesty on a political blog, I like it a lot more than getting along just to get along.

I want to know what people think too! But I won’t let them get away with fallacies. I am not wired to smile and let that stuff go.