
Overnight Open Thread

researchok4/24/2011 5:20:40 am PDT

re: #71 WindUpBird

Beck wants to eat Alex Jones’ lunch, that guy is whip-smart, and he’s kinda crazy, but not in the way people think. he’s crazy in the way performers and musicians are crazy. His schtick is schtick, and I don’t think he believes it, but I think he believes his lies are doing good, if that makes sense. he’s fighting the good fight with his best tools, which are his Father Coughlin act and his broadcasting experience. He’s a comedy radio guy, that’s where he came from. it’s no accident that he went from comedy to this dramatic chalkboard scrawling Howard Beale guy, it’s all the same skills in play.

I should dig up my favorite radio guy (who has been in radio longer than beck, and actually once recieved a call from beck) and his long thing on beck and what he’s doing, he had the only take on Beck that I felt was dead on. That was coming from an industry veteran from age 15, someone who is looking at him nt with a political eye, but from an insider eye whose career has evolved alongside Beck’s. (Imagine a 15 year old radio DJ! That’s this guy)

Beck may have one or two more performances, but he’s done for, in my opinion.

If he believes his shtick, he’a an idiot.

If he doesn’t he’s a manipulative SOB who will end up as a footnote.