
Ron Paul Takes the Lead in Iowa

Gus12/19/2011 10:51:27 am PST

re: #66 Lidane

Here in Austin there are plenty of idiot hippies and far left types who love Ron Paul. Why? Aside from the pro-weed and anti-war nonsense that Paul panders with, the idiot hippies and far left types are all Alex Jones fans who buy into the 9/11 conspiracy bullshit, along with all the shit about gold, the Bilderbergs, and FEMA having concentration camps just outside Killeen.

I’ve known plenty of otherwise reasonable people with Infowars and Ron Paul 2012 stickers on their cars. It’s a really weird thing.

Also UFOs, Area 51, Illuminati, Rothschilds, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Masons, numerology, Above Top Secret, Center for Research on Globalization, Rense, Russia Today, etc.