
Monday Afternoon Open

vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)1/19/2009 4:38:20 pm PST

re: #718 _RememberTonyC

I’d like to buy you a scotch. A Full glass. If it’s jimmy carter II, this guy will be gone. There aren’t enough charismatic democrats behind Obama to lead to a Dem Dynasty in Obama’s wake. I’d be as worried as you if the economy didn’t suck so badly. Obama needs to focus on that and national security … nothing else. He will soon learn that fixing the big problem means less time to mess with stupid stuff. I’ll reserve judgment for now …

And why does the economy suck so bad now? (Rhetorical)

An Alinsky tactic is to create enough of a crisis atmosphere that the people accept, nay demand, that the organizer make the changes he wanted to make in the first place.

Remember Rahm Emmanuel and the “crisis too good to pass up” or whatever his exact words?

We are in big trouble.

/I’ll pass on the scotch, I’m a bourbon guy, but my stomach can’t take it anymore, anyway.