
Overnight Open Thread

republic4/05/2009 7:59:58 am PDT

Iran tests various range missiles often, Iran sends satellites into orbit often, Iran, for years, has said that Israel needs to be wiped off the map, and Iran has stated their intended purposes of not only trying to wipe Israel off the map, but to further the cause of Islam around the world, with nuclear weapons, and, crickets have been chirping ever since.

North Korea launches a test missile, when it has been public knowledge for quite some time, that not only does NK have nuclear war heads, but they have had the means to send those warheads to far away places for quite some time.

Is there another Ronald Reagan out there somewhere, who can win the presidency, and put these rogue dictators in their place, because there is no way the current admin. has even a clue as what to do, and the U.N. is even more clueless and disorganized.