
New York Times Paywallocalypse

Rightwingconspirator3/18/2011 9:48:44 am PDT

re: #731 iceweasel
Too bad we never actually met. :)
I’ll take a swing at this, just my pov-
Reasonably strict paygo, amend in a line item veto executive power, and a sensible connection between outlay and revenues. For a start.

IMO-The debt interest load is nothing but money for mismanagement. As in (for an easy example) no new taxes despite the $$ response to 9/11 including Homeland security and two wars. . Duh!

It’s frustrating to see those kinds of concepts trodden under by the current GOP model of false fiscal conservatism and the other side of the aisle too.

I’m fine with means testing S/S, and restoring pre Bush tax levels above $330,000 per year. I think we can keep the Reagan and Kennedy cuts. Between $200,00 and $330,000 there would be more tax unless small biz incentives or employment is where the money is going.