
Violence in Tehran, Suicide Bomber at Ayatollah's Tomb

iceweasel6/20/2009 12:16:17 pm PDT

re: #737 Killgore Trout

Also I think I’m just suffering from outrage burnout. People were outraged over FEMA camps. Outraged over the DHS memo, adopting a dog, starting a garden, going for hamburgers, speaking in Cairo, speaking at Buchenwald. Next week it will be something else. Maybe he’ll buy a new pair of shoes. The outrage is always the same intensity. Whatever good points are to be made are just lost in the noise. I don’t pay attention to it anymore.

You missed a few of the poutrages, like DijonGate. I can’t even keep up anymore.

The problem with the fauxrage is that it wears the rest of us out. Good criticisms are going to be overlooked in all the noise and heat. The boy who cried wolf effect.