
Israel's Fiendish Plot

lawhawk6/02/2010 5:44:18 pm PDT

re: #65 fenrisdesigns

The Palestinians and the terror masters purposefully use terms like genocide, Holocaust, and claim that the Israelis are Nazis precisely to denigrate the actual Holocaust and the rationale for the establishment of the modern Jewish state of Israel. They want to use the terms and stretch their definitions beyond all rationality so as to make them useless - or to take up the terms for themselves.

After all, there was the genocide in Jenin (that resulted in less than 50 dead - and nearly all of those were terrorists) - and that’s just one incident that got magnified into a Babi Yar or worse. Palestinians made it sound like Jenin was Stalingrad, Babi Yar, and every other massacre carried out by Nazis combined.

It was nothing of the sort, but that hasn’t stopped Palestinians from keep up with that level of rhetoric.

And there’s a simple reason why they keep at it - it works. It undermines Israel’s support, keeps the uninformed and useful idiots in a froth, and keeps the terror masters in power just a while longer.