
Overnight Video: Monstrous Wildlife - Graboids

RogueOne8/07/2010 6:34:45 am PDT

Yesterday I had a conversation with some concerning taking MediaMatters seriously when they do the same thing as Breitbart. I wish I had seen this yesterday:

Media Matters Gives Glenn Beck’s Co-Hosts The Shirley Sherrod Edited Audio Treatment

Let’s end the week with some Shirley Sherrod-ing – editing a clip to make it sound like a person is saying something that is actually the complete opposite of what they’re saying.

In this case, the offender is Media Matters, which tries to prove that Glenn Beck’s radio co-hosts were saying Keith Olbermann was responsible for the deadly Manchester workplace shooting.

To their credit they owned up to their “mistake” after they were called on it. Of course, there is no way they didn’t know they were lying when they originally posted the story. There was also another Breitbart problem:

Andrew Breitbart’s Video ‘Evidence’ Of Lying Congressmen Is Anything But

As long as people continue to give them any credibility and traffic this phony “gotcha” crap will continue. Stop believing one side is better than the other just because you agree politically.