
Sen. Sherrod Brown Shuts Down Dana Loesch: 'Not From You I Don't'

Charles Johnson6/09/2012 9:12:57 pm PDT

Unbelievably pathetic article at PJ Media by Rick Moran, lavishing praise on Birther/climate denier Christopher Monckton:

Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, is easily one of the most entertaining advocates for climate realism, as well as being one of the most knowledgeable. When he speaks, his clipped accent makes one think of a machine gun, spraying facts and figures at his audience with a mix of humor and matter-of-factness that not only elicits laughter, but makes his audience think. He has a special gift for simplifying complex information — boiling off the extraneous and unnecessary until he has reduced his subject matter to bite-sized nuggets that are easily digested. His logic is impeccable. His command of the subject, complete. It’s no wonder he makes mincemeat of warming advocates whenever any one of them makes the mistake of accepting his invitation to debate.

Monckton addressed a luncheon crowd on Tuesday at the 7th annual Climate Change Conference in Chicago sponsored by the Heartland Institute.

Monckton is controversial for many reasons, but perhaps most of all because, as he freely admits, he is no scientist. This has outraged global warming scientists who take a dim view of anyone challenging the priesthood of science who hasn’t been ordained at an institution of higher learning. No matter. Monckton plows ahead with wit and charm, offering a dizzying array of facts and proving his worthiness by his grasp of climate change research on both sides of the issue.